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DUFMA Webinars is Unlocking Wealth in the Agricultural Sector of Nigeria, with the Power of Knowledge

“Knowledge is wealth, wisdom is treasure, understanding is riches, and ignorance is poverty”

- Matshona Dhliwayo

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Upcoming Webinar

Topic: How DEFSA Farmworker Marketplace will Change Farming in Nigeria.

  • What is the future of farming for Nigeria?
  • How pivotal is the impact of farm staff to that future?
  • How does DEFSA Marketplace fit into all this?
  • How can you prepare for that future?

Grow Your Own Food & Earn with DUFMA's Cassava Cluster Program!

Get up to 100 Acres Free Farmland Lease

Ever wanted to farm but scared of how to go about it productively? DUFMA's Cassava Cluster program offers a FREE 100-acre farmland lease in Ogun or Oyo State, Nigeria! This is your chance to:

  • Be Your Own Boss: Plant and harvest cassava for your family or sell it for profit!
  • Save Money: Low production costs mean you keep more of what you earn.
  • Join a Thriving Community: Learn from and collaborate with other cassava farmers.
  • Streamlined Success: Plant and harvest together for a guaranteed market after each season.

Spots Are LimitedRegister Today!

Don't miss this incredible opportunity to grow your own food and secure your financial future.

Click the Get Free button to register for your FREE farmland lease and join DUFMA's Cassava Cluster program today!

“Do not judge me by my successes, judge me by how many times I fell down and got back up again.”

― Nelson Mandela

The concept of active learning isn't to just get informed, but to be well-informed enough to take appropriate action that can lead to a great and successful result despite previous failures within and around the same business engagement.

Are Food Costs Leaving a Bad Taste in Your Mouth? Project 10,000 is Here to Help!

Project 10,000 is a revolutionary partnership led initiative by Adeniyi Shoremi Consulting, designed to tackle food insecurity head-on in Nigeria's southwest.

Our Goal: Reclaim farmland and revolutionize food production through sustainable agroforestry.

The Problem: Food insecurity has gripped Nigeria for far too long. Insecurity, insurgency, and poor infrastructure have made it difficult for many Nigerians to put food on the table.

Our Solution: Project 10,000 is here to change that. By implementing innovative agroforestry techniques, we aim to:

  • Boost sustainable food production by growing more food, naturally!
  • Reduce feeding costs for millions by putting affordable, healthy food within reach for 10 million Nigerians over 10 years.

Join Project 10,000 and be a part of the future of food security for Nigeria! To download the proposal, CLICK HERE.


It's not impacting life if no one’s got feedback!

Buy/Lease Farmland

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